John Vitucci Awarded NASA Fellowship

John Vitucci Awarded NASA Fellowship

John Vitucci Awarded NASA Fellowship

John Vitucci
John Vitucci

John Vitucci, now a second-year graduate student, has been awarded the NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship. The NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship (NSTRF) looks to improve America’s competitiveness in space technology research while providing the nation with a group of highly skilled engineers and technologists that could one day have the necessary skill set to become technological leaders. Vitucci will join a small group of students as a member of the inaugural class for the NSTRF.

Fellows benefit from a $36,000 stipend for doctoral students and $30,000 for master’s students in addition to $30,000 to offset the costs of tuition and other fees. The NSTRF also will provide fellows with on-site NASA center/research and development lab experience. The fellowship is offered initially for one year. Contingent upon progress, the fellowship may be renewed for up to one additional year for master’s students and up to three additional years for doctoral students.

Currently, Vitucci is a student under Raymond Sedwick in the Space Power and Propulsion Lab. His research project is titled “Development of a Superconducting Helicon Thruster.” In the upcoming academic year, he will also continue his position as graduate student liaison for the University of Maryland Chapter of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics.

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July 18, 2011

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