Baeder Named 2010 Engineer of the Year

Baeder Named 2010 Engineer of the Year

Baeder Named 2010 Engineer of the Year

Presentation of AIAA NCS Engineer of the Year: left to right, Prof. Norman Wereley, Prof. James Baeder and AIAA NCS Chair Rick Ohlemacher.
Presentation of AIAA NCS Engineer of the Year: left to right, Prof. Norman Wereley, Prof. James Baeder and AIAA NCS Chair Rick Ohlemacher.

Clark School Professor James D. Baeder (Department of Aerospace Engineering) was named 2010 Engineer of the Year by the National Capital Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Baeder was honored for:

"...revolutionary research leading to improvements in the prediction of aero-mechanics in helicopters and other rotary wing vehicles, especially in regards to DARPA Helicopter Quieting Program SMART rotor aeroacoustic predictions."

Baeder specializes in rotorcraft computational fluid dynamics, and has been with the Clark School since 1993. He is a member of the Clark School's Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center and Center for Microsystem Mechanics.

Baeder is an internationally recognized leader in rotorcraft and micro-hovering air vehicle applications. He pioneered development of highly innovative coupling strategies for multiple-fidelity aero-mechanic simulations. As PI, he led a research team from UM and Stanford University in the "Hybrid Unsteady Simulation of Helicopters (HUSH)" under the DARPA Helicopter Quieting Program. Baeder has co-authored more than 30 journal and 100 conference publications. He is an associate fellow of the AIAA.

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June 22, 2010

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