Mayergoyz Receives Magnetics Society Achievement Award
Professor Isaak Mayergoyz has received the Achievement Award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Magnetics Society. This is the highest award of the Magnetics Society and is given to an outstanding member each year to honor his or her lifelong professional achievement, and to recognize scientific, technical and service contributions to the society. The Magnetics Society Achievement Award is presented annually at the IEEE International Magnetics Conference and consists of a diploma with a citation and a cash prize.
Prof. Mayergoyz has been a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Clark School for nearly 30 years. He was recently appointed The Alford L. Ward Professor in recognition of his sustained and influential work as a scholar and educator. Prof. Mayergoyz's research interests include plasmon resonances in metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles; spin polarized current induced nonlinear magnetization dynamics; analysis of fluctuations in semiconductor nanodevices; stochastic analysis of systems with hysteresis; drive independent recovery and forensics of hard disk data; computational electromagnetics; and power engineering.
He has authored and coauthored 11 books and more than 350 scientific papers. He is a Fellow of IEEE (1988), Visiting Research Fellow of GE Research and Development Center (1988), Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Magnetics Society (1994), Distinguished Scholar-Teacher of University of Maryland, College Park (1994) and a recipient of Outstanding Teacher Award of the Clark School (1987). He has served on numerous IEEE committees, editorial boards of scientific journals and as the editor of the Academic Press-Elsevier Electromagnetism series.
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