UMD Wins First Place in Hackathon Season
The University of Maryland's Terrapin Hackers team has been named champion of the Fall 2013 Hackathon Season by Major League Hacking (MLH).
The first place title was earned based on merit and attendance at five MLH hackathons, where students collaborate to innovate software, hardware, apps, or working prototypes of a product. Most recently, the Terrapin Hackers won first place at HackRU at Rutgers University and in September, took first prize at the University of Michigan's MHacks for its intelligent trashcan design.
The team also competed at the University of Pennsylvania's PennApps, New York University's HackNY, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology's HackMIT. Terrapin Hackers topped 110 schools in the United States and around the globe this season, securing the University of Maryland a spot on MLH's list of "best schools for hackers."
To help achieve its mission of adding excitement to the field of science, engineering, and technology, Terrapin Hackers participates in campus hacks, hack nights and hackathons. Click here to learn more about Terrapin Hackers.
October 18, 2013