<em>Great Expectations</em> Campaign Reaches $1B Goal

Great Expectations Campaign Reaches $1B Goal

Great Expectations Campaign Reaches $1B Goal

The University of Maryland's Great Expectations fundraising campaign has reached its $1 billion goal, including $250 million for scholarships. The Clark School raised almost a quarter of the total amount -- $240 million -- well more than its initial fundraising goal of $185 million.

Among the funds raised by the Clark School from more than 7,500 donors:

  • $47 million for scholarships and financial support of undergraduate and graduate students;
  • $48 million to help recruit and retain faculty;
  • $27 million in support of innovation;
  • $89 million for building and classroom upgrades.

A celebration of the accomplishment is planned for February. Read UMD President Wallace Loh's message to the campus about the campaign reaching its goal here.

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December 13, 2012

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