Pines to Take Aerospace Helm

Pines to Take Aerospace Helm

Pines to Take Aerospace Helm

Professor Darryll J. Pines will become chair of the aerospace engineering department on October 15. He will take over for outgoing chair William Fourney, who is stepping down from the position.

Pines has been on the Clark School faculty for more than a decade and has served as associate chair under Fourney. He participated in the revamping of the undergraduate curriculum and the formation of the Academy of Distinguished Alumni in the department.

Pines' research interests and activities have centered on structural dynamics, including structural health monitoring and prognosis, smart sensors, and adaptive, morphing and biologically inspired structures. He also conducts research in the guidance, navigation and control of aerospace vehicles.

He is the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, American Helicopter Society (AHS) Grover E. Bell Award and E. Robert Kent Engineering Junior Faculty Teaching Award.

Pines is a fellow of the Institute of Physics, an associate fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the AHS. He is the author of nearly 50 archival journal papers, six book chapters and more than 120 conference papers. He is a member of the editorial board of Smart Materials and Structures Journal and associate editor of the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures and the International Journal of Structural Health Monitoring. He serves the National Research Council as a member of committees on Women in Science and Engineering and the Decadal Survey of Aeronautics Research.

July 7, 2006

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