Three teams receive Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grants totalling $3,000,000 from the Department of Defense

Three teams receive Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grants totalling $3,000,000 from the Department of Defense

Three teams receive Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grants totalling $3,000,000 from the Department of Defense

Three teams in the Clark School were selected to receive Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) grants from the Department of Defense starting in fiscal year 2002. The projects, which were among 48 selected from 416 white papers submitted, were for:

  1. Microwave Effects and Chaos in 21st Century Analog and Digital Electronics

    Faculty: Victor Granatstein (PI), Ed Ott, Tom Antonsen, Patrick O'Shea, Yuval Carmel, John Rodgers, John Melngailis, Neil Goldsman, Bruce Jacob, Agis Iliadis, Omar Ramahi, and Steve Anlage (physics).

    In this project, Maryland is prime and there is participation from Boise State University. The project is aimed at investigating the threats and opportunities associated with the introduction of microwave pulse energy into modern and future electronics.

  2. "Communicating Networked Control Systems"

    Faculty: P.S. Krishnaprasad (PI), John Baras, Prakash Narayan, Greg Walsh, and D. Hritsu-Varsakelis.

    In this project, Boston University is prime and there is participation from UMD, Harvard, and University of Illinois (Urbana). The project aims at developing mathematical foundations to support the integration of control and communications technologies.

  3. "Multiferroic Materials for Smart Structures and Devices"

    Faculty: Manfred Wuttig (PI), Amr Baz, Inder Chopra, J. Cullen, A. Dasgupta, R. James, P. Kofinas, D. Pines, R. Ramesh, A. Roytburd, L. Salamanca-Riba, T. Shields, I. Takeuchi, D. Viehland, N. Wereley, R. Wu.

    In this project, UMD is prime and there is participation from Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Rhode Island, Cal State at Northridge. The project is aimed at identifying and enhancing the design and performance characterization of new classes of hybrid smart materials and developing enhancements to the use of such materials in macro-structures capable of both actuation and sensing

MURI is a highly competitive program designed to address large multidisciplinary topic areas representing exceptional opportunities for future DoD applications and technology options. The average award will be $1 million per year over a three-year period. Two additional years of funding will be possible as options to bring the total award to five years.

August 15, 2001

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