Pertmer Appointed Managing Director of Radiation Facilities

Pertmer Appointed Managing Director of Radiation Facilities

Pertmer Appointed Managing Director of Radiation Facilities

Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Keystone Professor Gary Pertmer has been appointed managing director of the Clark School's radiation facilities, effective August 2, 2010.

For the past ten years, Pertmer has served as the Clark School's Associate Dean of Undergraduate Recruitment, Outreach and Special Programs. Under his guidance, the average GPA and SAT scores for incoming freshman have soared, the numbers of admitted female and underrepresented minority students have substantially increased, and several academic departments have successfully renewed or achieved ABET accreditation.

In his new role, Pertmer, a nuclear engineer, will be responsible for managing three radiation facilities including the nuclear training reactor, the cobalt-60 laboratory, and the high-energy linear accelerator (LINAC). He will also be responsible for issues related to compliance, safety, security, financial management of the facilities, and direct interactions with both on-campus and off-campus officials.

The Clark School's graduate program in nuclear engineering, offered both on campus and online, is growing to meet the national need for nuclear engineers. Recently, it received an education grant from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to develop new modules on the corrosions of metals for several graduate level courses.

For More Information:

Visit the Graduate Program in Nuclear Engineering web site »

Visit the Master of Engineering and Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Engineering homepage »

Related Articles:
Protecting Nuclear Plants from Cyber Attacks
NRC Funds Development of New Grad-Level Corrosion Courses
Youn, Cumings Receive NRC Grant

July 16, 2010

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