Clark School Honors Its Own

Clark School Honors Its Own

Clark School Honors Its Own

The Clark School held its annual Honors and Awards ceremony on April 9 in the Student Union's Colony Ballroom. Among the honors/recipients were:

Dinah Berman Memorial Award: presented to mechanical engineering student Bradley Eisenberg, in recognition of academic excellence at the end of the sophomore year combined with leadership or service to the college. Eisenberg maintained a 4.0 GPA, traveled to Brazil to work with Engineers Without Borders, developed the weBike system for the campus community and participating in the Inventis Academy of Engineering Leadership.

A. James Clark School of Engineering Leadership Award: presented to Jazalyn Dukes, civil and environmental engineering senior, in recognition of outstanding leadership. Jazalyn, maintained a 3.97 GPA and appeared for seven semesters on the dean’s list. She previously received the Berman and Kirwan Awards. Dukes is president of the Engineering Student Council, officer of the American Society of Civil Engineers, member of the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society and Inventis: Academy of Engineering Leadership, a Clark School Ambassador and banquet chair for the Black Engineers Society.

A. James Clark School of Engineering International Student Award: presented to Michelle Morgan, a senior in biological resources engineering who is completing the minor in international engineering, which is one of four Clark School available minors including Project Management, Nanoscience and Technology, and Leadership. Morgan studied in Denmark and Australia, and advocates for international studies, staffing study abroad fairs, speaking at engineering information sessions and presenting international studies to engineering classes.

Kim A. Borsavage and Pamela J. Stone Student Award for Outstanding Service: presented to mechanical engineering junior Heather Bradshaw, a member of the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society, Omicron Delta Kappa leadership society and Golden Key International Honors Society. Bradshaw was a sophomore representative in the Society of Women Engineers, has participated in Engineers Without Borders, and is engaged in a co-op position with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center this semester, focusing on the next generation of space suits. She is a member of the QUEST quality enhancement systems program and is a Clark School Ambassador. Last week, it was announced that Bradshaw has won a prestigious national Goldwater Scholarship for 2008-2009 on the basis of academic merit.

A. James Clark School of Engineering Dean's Award: presented to Rachel Kerzner, a senior in mechanical engineering. Kerzner has a GPA of 3.97 and has appeared on the dean’s list for every semester of her college career. She complete the Engineering Honors program this spring. Kerzner is a member of the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society and Pi Tau Sigma international mechanical engineering society. Her leadership and service are exemplary, including participation in the QUEST quality enhancement systems program, the College Park Scholars program, Clark School Ambassadors, and Women in Engineering Advisory Board, and mentoring other students for QUEST and Women in Engineering.

Additional department-level awards were also given out at the ceremony.

April 10, 2008

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