Scouts Visit Racing Lab

Scouts Visit Racing Lab

Scouts Visit Racing Lab

Terps Racing team member Mark Bellingham assists Beltsville Scout in the 2007 formula car.
Terps Racing team member Mark Bellingham assists Beltsville Scout in the 2007 formula car.

Cub Scout Pack 1031 and Boy Scout Troop 1033 from Beltsville, Md., visited the Terps Racing formula vehicle team in the SAE Engine Testing and Projects Laboratory at the University of Maryland campus on January 30. The Scouts - aged 7-12 - came to learn more about automotive science as part of a car-themed month of learning projects. Terps Racing undergrad students Mark Bellingham, Jeff Gamerman, Paul Godfrey and Mike Palaszynski were available to answer the Scout’s questions.

Terps Racing offers Maryland undergraduate students the opportunity to design, build and race their own baja all-terrain and formula racing vehicles in various regional and national competitions, gaining invaluable real-world automotive experience.

February 1, 2008

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"We learned that you can sew metal together - that’s called welding."

- Jesse Dau, Cub Scout, age 8

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