Fond Farewell to Graduates

Fond Farewell to Graduates

Fond Farewell to Graduates

The Clark School's spring commencement ceremony, Nariman Farvardin's last as Clark School dean, took place on May 21 in the Cole Student Activities Building. The ceremony was followed by a reception for graduates and their families at the Kim Building, which was attended by hundreds.

Quark CEO Raymond Schiavone was commencement speaker and mechanical engineering senior Steven Hoffenson was student speaker. Schiavone cited the importance of taking risks when everyone else is saying "It can't be done" about an idea. Hoffenson urged his classmates to take the Clark School's standards and ideals with them as they enter the working world, so they would never lose touch with the school.

Three professors of chemical and biomolecular engineering accepted teaching awards at the ceremony:

  • Associate Professor Sheryl Ehrman received the Clark School’s E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty for her work as the department’s graduate program director and her involvement with recruitment and outreach activities, in addition to her reputation as a passionate teacher. This award was announced at the December commencement ceremony, but Ehrman was on sabbatical in India at the time.
  • Professor Mikhail Anisimov received the Poole and Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Senior Faculty for his teaching both graduate-level courses regarding thermodynamics as well as introductory engineering courses, both of which have earned him consistently high evaluations from students. Anisimov could not accept his award as he was in Greece where he was due to give a keynote address.
  • Associate Professor Nam Sun Wang received the Clark School Faculty Service award for his efforts with student groups, recruitment and outreach activities and educational posts with the school—Wang has served on the Undergraduate Studies Committee, was a liaison to the Professional Masters Program and was director of undergraduate studies for the department for more than 10 years.

At the end of the ceremony, Dean Farvardin told the crowd he would be moving on to his new post as vice president for academic affairs and provost of the College Park campus on July 1.

"My tenure as dean of engineering has been the most exciting, gratifying and memorable period in my professional life," Farvardin said. "I thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve."

May 21, 2007

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