Chellappa to Deliver IEEE Keynote

Chellappa to Deliver IEEE Keynote

Chellappa to Deliver IEEE Keynote

Minta Martin Professor of Engineering Rama Chellappa, electrical and computer engineering and UMIACS, will deliver the keynote speech at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies this week.

Chellappa's speech is titled "Biometrics for Remote Surveillance: Recent Advances in Face and Gait-Based Person Identification." It focuses on methods of recognizing individuals from a surveillance camera, an extremely important security application for crowded public environments, such as airports or train stations.

The conference, also known as AutoID 2005, is being held at the University of Buffalo. The focus is on biometrics, the science of identifying individuals based on their physical, chemical or behavioral characteristics, and the basis of critical technologies for strengthening homeland security.

October 18, 2005

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