"Space" to Learn
Calculating a satellite’s orbit in space is a complex business—but according to Senior Lecturer of Aerospace Engineering Liam Healy, learning about it doesn’t have to be. The extensive mathematics undertaken by students in ENAE441: Space Navigation and Guidance have historically required comprehensive software packages or, more commonly, tasked students to write time-consuming code. “Students need to understand the basic concepts of how navigation is being calculated, but they don’t need to suffer the pain of putting it together,” says Healy, who wrote a cloud-based computing application for the Fall 2020 semester that completes the more complex computation for students, while still engaging them in the key mathematical principles. “The stuff that I’m trying to eliminate is the stuff that’s not popular in the class—but more importantly, it’s not the point of the class. This refocuses students’ efforts.”
“There’s something quite visceral of looking through a telescope and seeing a satellite,” says Healy. “It’s nice to have that connection, and I wanted to deliver that.”
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