2020 Undergraduate Honors and Awards

2020 Undergraduate Honors and Awards

2020 Undergraduate Honors and Awards

Sixty-eight undergraduate students from the A. James Clark School of Engineering were recognized with 2020 Annual Engineering Honors and Awards. These awards and honors recognize students for their outstanding excellence in academics, leadership, and service.

Five of these students were honored with Dean's Awards, which will be presented by Clark School Dean Rob Briber:

Jesse MatthewsJesse Matthews was awarded the Dinah Berman Memorial Award. Jesse is a junior studying chemical and biomolecular engineering and applied mathematics with a 4.0 GPA. He has researched solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries for the past two years under Dr. Peter Kofinas. He was fortunate to present his research at the 2019 AICHE student conference and mentor four high school students on a summer research project. Jesse is also an undergraduate teaching fellow for Thermodynamics II, a member of the RISE leadership academy, a Clark School Ambassador, and a member of University Honors. He plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in chemical engineering.

Lauren MoyerLauren Moyer received the International Student Award, presented to a student who has demonstrated significant involvement in international engineering activities for the Clark School. Lauren is a senior bioengineering and Germanic studies dual-degree student with a 4.0 GPA. She has been active with the Honors College Honors Humanities, Flexus: Women in Engineering, and Language House living and learning programs. She spent a semester abroad at the Technical University in Munich, Germany, where she studied and interned in a research lab. On campus, she is a peer advisor in Engineering Career Services and treasurer for AEMB Biomedical Engineering Honor Society. Additionally, Lauren was recently inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa for her leadership on campus.

Hannah LobellThe Leadership Award was presented to Hannah Lobell, a senior mechanical engineering student with a minor in engineering leadership development. She served as the president of the Flexus Living and Learning Community during her sophomore year and is now currently chair of the Women in Engineering Student Advisory Board and the vice president of the Society of Women Engineers. Hannah is also a Clark School and Mechanical Engineering Ambassador, a sister of Alpha Omega Epsilon, a SEEDS mentor, and a member of the RISE program. After graduation, Hannah will begin an operations leadership development program with Medtronic.

David BoutinDavid Boutin was honored with the Kim Borsavage and Pamela J. Stone Student Award for Outstanding Service. Boutin is a senior electrical engineering major, pursuing minors in technology entrepreneurship and Spanish. He has earned his citation from the University Honors program and the Hinman CEOs living-learning program. David currently serves as the president of Theta Tau and the vice president of corporate affairs for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). David has assisted with research for the US Army Research Lab in the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory. Additionally, he is a Clark School Ambassador and member of the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program and Omicron Delta Kappa

Kristen EdwardsThe Clark School Dean's Award was awarded to Kristen Edwards for scholastic excellence and demonstrated outstanding service and leadership to the Clark School. Edwards is a senior mechanical engineering student with a 3.98 GPA. She is a Banneker/Key Scholar, a member of the University Honors program, and a researcher in the Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing Lab. She is the winner of the Spirit of Maryland Award, as well as a member of the Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Society, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, Theta Tau, and Alpha Omicron Pi. Kristen has been accepted to MIT, UC Berkeley, and Carnegie Mellon University to pursue a Ph.D. in which she aims to advance sustainable energy through machine learning and mechatronics.

Aileen HentzThe Student Advising Award for Professional Staff in the Clark School recognizes staff excellence in undergraduate or graduate student advising and was awarded to Aileen Hentz. Dr. Hentz is the Program Director for Student Services in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. She oversees student services for both the undergraduate and graduate programs. She truly enjoys advising, engaging, and advocating for students. She received her bachelor's in History and Integrated Liberal Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She later went on to receive her M.Ed in College Student Affairs from Pennsylvania State University and her Ph.D. in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, & Special Education at the University of Maryland.

Congratulations to all 68 of our 2020 honorees!

Excel Alale
Jules Allbritton-King
Samantha Arenberg
Jada-Mercy Ayebae
Mariama Barrie
Aidan Benderly
Matthew Black
David Boutin
Nicolette Corrao
Emily Dietz
Shannon Donaldson
Ian Down
Noah Eckman
Kristen Edwards
Eli Fastow
Joshua Fernandes
Shannon Flynn
Megan Forte
Garrett Garrett
Eric Greenbaum
Garrett Greenwell
Hillary Griffin
Charles Grody
Andrew Grupp
Niloy Gupta
James Hall
Robert Hawkins
Tyla Holoman
David Hsu
Daniel Kirchner
Daniel Klawson
Samantha Kraus
Alison Kriz
Quinn Kupec
Zachary Lachance
John Lathrop
Justin Lidard
Hannah Lobell
Syed Taqui Mahmood
Jesse Matthews
Abigail Meyer
Julia Mittelstaedt
Lauren Moyer
Robert Nawrocki
Maeesha Noshin
Amanda O’Shaughnessy
Oluwaseun Oluwatimi
Sara Pohland
Mihailo Rancic
Nathan Raver
Erin Reilly
Jeremy Rosenblatt
Jessica Rosenthal
Shuvam Roy
Edward Salvatierra
Mary Smith
Katherine Sniezek
Kyle Spawn
Karloyn Steranka
Erin Stewartson
Thomas Streett
Timothy Thoresen
Alana Tillery
Nikhil Uplekar
Madison West
Rachel Wills
Amanda Wilmot
Dr. Aileen Hentz

May 13, 2020

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