Advancing Healthcare through Robotics and Machine Learning

Advancing Healthcare through Robotics and Machine Learning

Advancing Healthcare through Robotics and Machine Learning

One of the biggest dangers for trauma patients during the ambulance ride is undiagnosed, internal hemorrhagic bleeding. It’s currently undetectable with methods available on the ambulance ride. You can’t see it … but a robot can.

Axel Krieger—an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering who specializes in medical robotics and computer vision—says that estimates suggest one-third of trauma fatalities likely would have survived if they had access to hospital-level of care sooner. He aims to help make that level of care standard on the way to the hospital by equipping ambulances with a medical robot enhanced by machine learning.

Watch the video above to learn more.

Dr. Krieger is a member of the Maryland Robotics Center.

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