Call for Input: University of Maryland Research at UN Climate Conference
The University of Maryland has been selected to host an exhibit at the upcoming United Nations climate conference (COP23), to be held in Bonn, Germany. The exhibits offers the opportunity to share University of Maryland research activities with organizations from a large number of countries. This effort is being coordinated through the Center for Global Sustainability and is intended to provide a gateway for the University community to have visibility at the conference.
We invite contributions of recent or ongoing work that is high impact and policy relevant, to potentially be featured in this exhibit at COP23 from November 6 - 17, 2017. We will seek to highlight recent work that informs the climate and sustainability agenda of this COP. COP23 is focused on implementing the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement, seeking to form coalitions to accelerate climate action before 2020 between civil society, the scientific community, the private sector and all levels of government. In particular, the following areas are priorities for the COP: Building greater resilience for all vulnerable nations to the impacts of climate change Boosting access to climate adaptation finance, renewable energy, clean water and affordable climate risk and disaster insurance Harnessing innovation, enterprise and investment for development and deployment of climate solutions Improve the health of the world’s oceans and seas.
A PDF of the publication or working paper (limit 4 MB) and/or link to the PDF A two-sentence description of the work
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