Applications now being accepted for summer 2017 bioinspired robotics REU program

Applications now being accepted for summer 2017 bioinspired robotics REU program

Applications now being accepted for summer 2017 bioinspired robotics REU program

Applications are now being accepted for undergraduates seeking to participate in the Maryland Robotics Center's Summer 2017 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in bioinspired robotics. This REU program is a three-year grant funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of its national initiative to broaden the opportunities for undergraduates to be exposed to scientific research. It is led by Professor Hugh Bruck (ME) and Maryland Robotics Center Director Sarah Bergbreiter (ME/ISR).

Bioinspired robots—defined as robots inspired by natural systems like insects, birds, mammals and reptiles—have the potential to significantly enable or enhance capabilities in manufacturing, health care, reconnaissance, exploration, food safety and search and rescue. Because of their unique design, bioinspired robots offer a truly interdisciplinary systems research challenge that encompasses biology, materials, mechanical design, control, sensors and actuators, power, electronics, and computer science among other topics. 

This summer REU opportunity will be offered in 2017, 2018 and 2019. It will support 10 undergraduate researchers per year. Selected students will spend 10 weeks (June 5 through Aug. 11) conducting research in bioinspired robotics that includes both application and fundamental research on topics such as soft sensing, aerial vehicles, space robotics, miniature robotics and underwater robotics. Details on the proposed REU projects can be found here.

REU awards are made based on students’ strong potential and motivation to perform bioinspired robotics research, academic preparation in their area of interest, letters of reference and interest in interacting with diverse mentors and peers in interdisciplinary research. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to participate. All qualified students are encouraged to apply between Nov. 15, 2016 and Feb. 17, 2017.

The Maryland Robotics Center previously offered a three-year REU in miniature robotics.

| Visit the Bioinspired Robotics REU website | View the program flyer in PDF format |

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