Clark School Recognizes Outstanding Retirees

Clark School Recognizes Outstanding Retirees

Clark School Recognizes Outstanding Retirees

Martin Hall plaza
Martin Hall plaza

On September 18, Clark School faculty and staff gathered to honor ten staff retirees, both living and deceased, with Engineering Outstanding Commitment Awards.

Mark Shayman, associate dean for faculty affairs, presided over the ceremony held at the plaza in front of Glenn L. Martin Hall. Professor William Fourney presented the awards.

The honorees included Becky Chavarria, David Holloway, Sylvia Keane, Chi H. Lee, Louis Robinson, Jr., Rex L. Root, Marvin Roush, Arnold Seigel, Nancy Swader and W. Travis Walton.

The Outstanding Commitment Awards honor individuals in the college whose extraordinary contributions have made the college a better place to live and work. The names of the honorees are carved into the fountain that graces the Martin Hall plaza.

September 20, 2006

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